Love in Tunisia
UK Bezness Tunisia DE Bezness Tunesien NL Bezness Tunesie FR Bezness Tunisie IT Bezness Tunisia ES Bezness Tunez DK Bezness Tunesien SE Bezness Tunisien NO Bezness Tunisia FI Bezness Tunisia PL Bezness Tunezja CZ Bezness Tunisko HU Bezness Tunezia SI Bezness Tunizija RU Bezness Тунис

Bezness Tunizija Stran 1          Stran 2
B E Z N E S S     T U N I Z I J A
Native English Original Text Slovenski Besedilo (strojno prevajanje)
The topic of “love relations” is a very vast topic, and is, according to numerous discussions in relevant forums, an increasingly popular one. In fact, the number of cases mount up to several tens of thousands each year!
Most of them end just with broken dreams, hurt feelings or some minor financial losses, quite a few with significant emotional scars, violence, massive threats or losses of life existances, and a few even with child abduction, bankruptcy and attempted manslaughter.

Non withstanding, some relations end up in a happy marriage as well - it is just that their number is, in the long run, rather very small. Sadly, in almost all cases, one is confronted instead with dating and marriage fraud and immigration fraud.

Thus, the span of what could (and in most cases will) happen is quite large and the purpose of this article series is to raise the awareness and caution.
It shall help people from falling for widespread scams, fraud and criminal acts, try to shed some light on the reasons and methods and give some advice on prevention - and hopefully, in the long run, decrease the percentage of "bad" experiences in favour of the "good" ones!

"Bezness" in Tunisia mainly concerns relationships between European women and Tunisian men, so this series of articles will deal primarily with relationships of this nature.
Love relationships between European men and Tunisian women are still rare due to cultural and religious reasons. Nevertheless, specific issues dealing with this combination will be mentioned in the articles as well.

For further specific information, particularly matters dealing with cases of personal nature, help and discussions, please visit one of the mentioned discussion forums!

We would like to make this article available in more languages. If you'd like to volunteer to translate it into your language, please write us at:

contact2012 <at>

Temo "ljubezni odnosov", je zelo velika tema, in je na podlagi številnih razprav v ustreznih forumih, vse bolj priljubljen. Dejansko število primerov mount do nekaj deset tisoc vsako leto!
Vecina jih konec šele z zlomljenimi sanje, obcutke ranjenosti ali manjše financne izgube, kar nekaj z velikimi custvenimi brazgotine, nasilje, grožnje ali množicne izgube življenja existances, in nekaj celo z ugrabitve otrok, stecaj in poskus uboja.

Non prenesti, nekateri odnosi koncajo v sreco v zakonu, kot tudi - to je samo, da je njihovo število je na dolgi rok, ampak zelo majhne. Žal je v skoraj vseh primerih, je ena namesto tega sooca z dating poroke in goljufij in priseljevanje goljufijam.

Tako je razpon, kar bi lahko (in v vecini primerov) bo zgodilo, je zelo velika in namen tega clena serije je povecati ozavešcenost in previdnost.
To pomaga ljudem zaradi padca za široko prevare, goljufije in kazniva dejanja, poskusite delno osvetlile o razlogih in metodah, in dati nekaj nasvetov o preprecevanju - in upamo, na dolgi rok, zmanjšanje odstotka "slabe" izkušnje v korist z "dobro" tisti!

"Bezness" v Tuniziji v glavnem nanaša na razmerja med evropskimi ženskami in moškimi Tunizije, tako da bo to serijo clankov ukvarjajo predvsem z odnosi te vrste.
Love odnose med evropskimi moškimi in ženskami še vedno tunizijski redki zaradi kulturnih in verskih razlogov. Kljub temu, specificna vprašanja, ki se ukvarjajo s to kombinacijo se omeni v izdelkih, kot dobro.

Za nadaljnje posebne informacije, zlasti v zadevah, ki se ukvarjajo s primeri osebne narave, pomoc in razprave, obišcite enega od omenjenih forumi!

Radi bi, da bi ta clanek na voljo v vec jezikih. Ce želite opravljati prostovoljno delo prevesti v svoj jezik, pišite nam na:

contact2012 <at>
What is "Bezness"?

The term "Bezness" originates from the English word "business", and generally refers to profit-oriented activities of locals to tourists with the sole aim of creating advantages for one self.

In a narrower sense, the term is used for the pretention of love feelings toward women with the sole objective of gaining financial or material benefits or a residence permit in a western country, preferably Europe.

It is, in this sense, very much similar to terms like "marriage fraud" or "scam".
In French, terms like "Mariage Gris" or "Mariage Blanc" are used, while more profane terms refer also to "immigration fraud", "immigration scam" and "fictitious marriage".

The Beznesser

The main difference between a "Beznesser" and a "Papagallo" is the fact that he is not just into an amoreuse adventure for the holidays, but he uses this only as the first step of his project.

There are many stages and forms between a serious and a Bezness lover, and in Tunisia, one can rarely find a "pure" representative of either kind - but one thing is certain: men who work in the tourist industry and are eager to contact tourists, almost always belong to the group "Beznesser".


But - to reach his goal, a "Beznesser" always needs a counterpart, and this counterpart is in almost all cases a European woman who suffers from the so-called "AMIGA syndrome".

The word AMIGA comes from the german sentence "Aber Meiner Ist Ganz Anders" (But my guy is totally different). In Latin, the word "amiga" means "girlfriend".

Despite the high probability that a woman runs into a "Bezness" man, which is, very conservatively estimated, about 90%, the woman keeps in almost all cases her eyes shut to the reality and takes refuge in the above-mentioned conviction that "The other men may be like that, but mine is certainly different".

The fact is, however, that many short term relationships and most of the medium ones will fail in the long term - and this for reasons in addition to the ones, from which marriages between couples from the same county are failing.

Why Bezness?

Tunisia is one hand a poor country, where the minimum wage, which most working professionals receive, is less than 200 Euro (200 UKP, 300 USD) per month.

Tunisia is also a country that does not provide an awful lot of jobs - the unemployment figures are, according to official figures around 10%, and according to strict standards rather in the area of 30%.
And finally, Tunisia is a country where the citizens cannot simply "go away", but they will need for all European countries a visa.

But Tunisia is, as well, a country that is directly adjacent to Europe and each year, hundreds of thousands of tourists visit the country. On almost each house roof is a satellite dish mounted, which delivers television programs from many countries to the Tunisian screens. So, they watch the reports of the life in Europe and generally the "West". And the tourists show them their supposed wealth by the fact that they can afford to fly to Tunisia to spend a vacation - not to mention new mobile phones, clothes and conduct, by Tunisian standards, a generous use of tips or gifts.

Thus, it is not surprising that the aim of many Tunisians is, to go to the "Golden West", find work and become rich fast. And to find work, which will allow them to live a good life, to support their family with money and to build up a house or business of their own.

Some Tunisians try, like the inhabitants of the more southerly states in Africa, to illegally cross the borders to European countries with vessels, but such a trip is expensive and dangerous, and even if they succeed, they will have to live illegal in Europe.

Others try to obtain a working visa for Europe, but on the one hand, there are hardly any job vacancies in Europe for non-Europeans (or even for Europeans for that matter) and on the other hand, it is difficult to even find such a job out of Tunisia.

So, the only realistic option that many Tunisians see for themselves, is a marriage with a citizen of a western country (and, in the recent years, increasingly also with women from East European countries, as the western countries are putting up higher barriers to obtain a visa), the equivalent for a ticket into the "Golden West" And they are ready to do almost anything to obtain it.

The Prey Scheme

To come into "Contact" with a western tourist is easy - it is sufficient, to just talk to a tourist.

The easiest way is, of course, to obtain a job in the tourist industry, especially in the animation or restauration area in an hotel.
But even if such a position can not be obtained, the chances are quite good to attract the attention of a western woman on the street, in a shop, a taxi or a discotheque.

Generally, they are 3 target groups:
  • single, young and well situated women
  • single elderly women
  • all women
and the objectives are, in this order:
  • Visa to a western country
  • Financial donations
  • Fun in bed
In line with these objectives, they proceed with:

Strategy and Tactics

In most cases, there will be immediate talks about marriage, in many cases, they will be demands for money or donations - outspoken or expected.
If the Beznesser got a "victim", which has only little or no money, then it is also not a real problem, because every day, new tourists arrive at the airport.

They won't let go of what they have obtained, of course, and so they will continue to "work" the relation, even if it is a parallel second-, third- or fourth relationship, because even when it does not yield a marriage and a visa, there lures still the prospect of sex and financial benefits of smaller nature - the payment of taxi fares and some disco visits, for example. And - who knows, maybe one need only to give it some more time and it will turn out well anyway.

A typical characteristic of all such relationships is therefore, that they will never be abandoned or forgotten - even after months and sometimes years, they might decide to follow up on an "old" affair. But as long as a relationship is still "hot" and are fresh, there will be  fireworks of telephone and SMS contacts.

In such relationships, the ultimate winner will often be the victim that manages it the fastest to marry and to present a visa to a western country, and, ideally, pay all the celebrations and ticket costs as well.
Kaj je "Bezness"?

Izraz "Bezness" izvira iz angleško besedo "podjetje", in na splošno nanaša na nepridobitne dejavnosti domacinov do turistov z edinim ciljem ustvariti prednosti za eno samo.

V ožjem pomenu se izraz uporablja za pretention obcutkov ljubezni proti ženskam z edinim ciljem pridobitve financne ali premoženjske koristi ali dovoljenje za prebivanje v zahodni državi, po možnosti v Evropi.

Zato je v tem pogledu zelo podobna, kot so izrazi "goljufija zakonske zveze" ali "prevara".
V francoskem, izrazi kot so "Mariage Gris" ali "Mariage Blanc" se uporabljajo, medtem ko vec nespodobnih pogoji se nanašajo tudi na "priseljevanje goljufijam", "priseljevanje scam" in "navideznih zakona".


Glavna razlika med "Beznesser" in "Papagallo" je dejstvo, da je ne samo v amoreuse avantura za pocitnice, vendar je ta uporablja le kot prvi korak njegovega projekta.

Obstaja mnogo oblik in stopenj med resno in Bezness ljubitelj, in v Tuniziji, je mogoce redko najde "ciste" predstavnik ene ali druge vrste - toda eno je gotovo: ljudje, ki delajo v turisticni industriji in se veselijo, da se obrnete turiste , skoraj vedno sodijo v skupino "Beznesser".


Ampak - da doseže svoj cilj, "Beznesser" vedno potrebuje kolegom, in to je kolegom v skoraj vseh primerih evropski ženski, ki trpi zaradi tako imenovane "Amigo sindrom".

Amiga Beseda izvira iz nemškega stavka "Aber meiner Ist Ganz Anders" (moj fant pa je popolnoma drugacna). V Latinski, beseda "amiga" pomeni "dekle".

Kljub veliko verjetnost, da ženska vozi v "Bezness" clovek, ki je zelo previdna ocena, približno 90%, ženska vodi v skoraj vseh primerih oci zaprta za realnost in se zatekli v zgoraj omenjenem prepricanje, da " drugi ljudje lahko tako, ampak moja je zagotovo drugacen. "

Dejstvo pa je, da je veliko kratkorocnih razmerij in vecina srednje tisti ne bo v dolgorocno - in to iz razlogov, poleg tistih, od katerih poroke med pari iz iste obcine ne izpolnjujejo pricakovanj.

Zakaj Bezness?

Tunizija je po eni strani revnih državah, kjer minimalne place, ki jih vecina dela strokovnjakov prejeli, je manj kot 200 evrov (200 UKP, 300 USD) na mesec.

Tunizija je tudi država, ki ne zagotavljajo ogromno delovnih mest - tudi podatki o brezposelnosti so po uradnih podatkih okoli 10%, in v skladu s strogimi standardi, in ne na podrocju 30%.
In koncno, Tunizija je država, v kateri državljani ne morejo enostavno "izginil", vendar jih bodo potrebovali za vse evropske države vizum.

Vendar pa je Tunizija, kot tudi, državi, ki je v neposredni bližini Evrope in vsako leto na sto tisoce turistov obisk države. Na skoraj vsaki hiši streho je vgrajen satelitsko anteno, ki zagotavlja televizijskih programov iz številnih držav, da tunizijske zaslone. Torej, gledajo porocila o življenju v Evropi in na splošno "Zahod". In turisti jim pokazati svoje bogastvo, ki ga naj bi dejstvo, da si jih lahko privošcijo za letenje za Tunizijo preživeti pocitnice - da ne omenjamo novih mobilnih telefonov, oblacil in ravnanju, tunizijski s standardi, velikodušno uporabo namige ali daril.

Tako ni presenetljivo, da je cilj mnogih Tunizijcev je, da gredo v "Golden West", iskanju dela in postati bogati hitro. In da bi našla delo, ki jim bodo omogocali živeti dobro življenje, za podporo družini z denarjem in vzpostavili hišo ali poslovni svoje.

Nekateri Tunizijcev zaceti, kot je prebivalcev v južnem delu države v Afriki, da bi nezakonito preckati meje, da evropske države s plovili, vendar pa takšno potovanje je drago in nevarno, in tudi ce jim uspe, bodo morali živeti nezakonite v Evropi.

Drugo poskusite dobiti delovne vize za Evropo, vendar na eni strani, skoraj ni prostih delovnih mest v Evropi, za ne-Evropejcev (ali celo za Evropejce, kar se tega tice), in na drugi strani, je težko najti celo tako zaposlitev iz Tunizije.

Torej, edina realna možnost, da je veliko Tunizijcev glej zase, je poroka z državljan zahodne države (in v zadnjih letih vse bolj tudi z ženskami iz vzhodnoevropskih državah, kot zahodnih državah so postavitev vecje ovire za pridobiti vizum), enakovreden za vozovnico v "Golden West" In so pripravljeni storiti skoraj nic pridobili.

Prey shema

Da bi prišli v "Stik" z zahodno turisticno je preprosta - je dovolj, da samo govoriti z turist.

Najlažji nacin je, seveda, da dobijo zaposlitev v turisticni industriji, zlasti na podrocju animacije ali obnova v hotelu.
Toda tudi ce taka stališca ni mogoce dobiti, so precej dobre možnosti, da bi pritegnili pozornost zahodnih ženska na ulici, v trgovini, taksi ali diskoteko.

Na splošno so 3 ciljne skupine:
  • Ena, ki se nahaja tudi mladi in ženske
  • Ena starejših žensk
  • Vse ženske
in cilji, v tem vrstnem redu:
  • Visa na zahodno državo
  • Financne donacije
  • Zabava v postelji
V skladu s tem ciljem, da nadaljuje z:

Strategija in taktika

V vecini primerov bo prišlo do takojšnje pogovore o poroki, v mnogih primerih bodo zahteve za denar ali darovanje - Odprt ali pricakovane.
Ce Beznesser dobil "žrtev", ki ima le malo ali nic denarja, potem je prav tako ni pravi problem, saj vsak dan, novih turistov prihod na letališce.

Ne bo izpustil, kar so jih pridobili, seveda, in tako bodo še naprej "dela" zvezi, tudi ce je vzporedna druge, tretje ali cetrte odnos, saj tudi ce ne donos poroko in vizum, je vab še vedno možnosti za spolne in financne koristi manjših narave - placilo stroškov za taksi in nekaj disco obiskov, na primer. In - kdo ve, morda zadostuje le, da je nekaj vec casa in se bo izkazalo, pa vseeno.

Tipicna lastnost vseh teh razmerij je torej, da se ne bo nikoli pozabljena ali opušcena - tudi po mesecih in vcasih let, lahko se odlocijo za nadaljnje ukrepanje na "staro" aferi. Dokler pa odnos je še "vroce" in se sveža, bo ognjemet telefonskih stikov in SMS.

V takšnih odnosov, bo koncni zmagovalec pogosto žrtev, ki upravlja to najhitrejši porociti in predstaviti vizuma za zahodne države, ter, v idealnem primeru, naloži placilo vseh stroškov vozovnice in praznovanja, kot tudi.
Typical Bezness!

In Tunisia, they know the internet as well and they also read webpages like this one, or are even members in discussion forums about bezness. And not to forget - there was and is always the so-called "beach academy" in which the most promising concepts and approaches are being discussed, the latest love SMS texts in different languages are exchanged and photos, letters and "Western Union" wire transfer receipts shown off.

The detection of "Bezness" is therefore  increasingly difficult and in many cases even impossible, especially, if the view is severed by glasses with pink lenses.

Thus, while typical Bezness behaviour can be recognized as such, it is not so easy to tell the other way around and you really cannot take the assumption that, if you do not experience typical Bezness behaviour, then no Bezness is involved.

Meanwhile, the only real protection is to make Bezness attempts impossible right from the start.

Bezness Signs

Typical Bezness signs are:
  • The words "I love you/want to marry you" within a few hours or days.
    Even if there is something like "love at first sight", it is very rare. And it is even more rare in an environment, where a man meets new women every day as a part of his job.
  • All demands for money
    A serious tunisian man will never lend money from his wife or ask for gifts. The tunisian society (as well as the law) demand that a man supports his wife - without any exceptions.
Strong hints for caution are:
  • Family members or good friends who already live in Europe.
    He will do anything to go and live with them. And the simple fact that he is still in Tunisia shows that he could not manage that yet.
  • Unrealistic ideas about life, work and salary situations in Europe.
    There is plenty of information available about the situation in Europe - people who still do not know it or have strange ideas about it, have never seriously considered to live or work in Europe.

It is, as pointed out before, unlikely, that a Bezness man confronts you immediately with demands eg. for financial contributions - unless you meet someone who is "new" to the business, or has several relations going and don't care whether or not he succeeds with a certain relation.

But sooner or later, there will be in almost all cases, open or hidden demands.

It usually starts with small things - talking about the own situation (no job, not well paid, etc.). Or they expect you to pay "pocket money" amounts (coffee, cigarettes, taxi) - and most Europeans will gladly do so, because, from their perspective, even paying for a visit to a discotheque or restaurant is quite inexpensive in Tunisia.

The next stage will be requests for small favors, such as bringing chocolate or alcohol, passing small amounts of money for charging the mobile phone and then it increases later to clothes, MP3 players, mobile phones, and even computer laptops.

Of course, demands for "help" are not always openly expressed, but are instead wrapped in reports of dramatic personal situations in the hope that the European comes forward by itself and offers help. Then they will then gladly accept the offered help, often after a while of grace (normally, I would never do it, but I have no choice right now) and often with the promise of  repayment (which never will take place).

The Land of Catastrophes

For an outsider, it seems that Tunisia is a country where every day all kinds of mishaps and disasters happen which can only be cured with money - a cell phone falls into the water and is unusable, the mother or the father or brother/sister  suddenly need urgent medicine or medical treatment, police and city administration must be bribed, the employer demands reparation for a damaged part, things are stolen or lost, or a young man must free himself from military service, to name only the most common misadventures that seem to befall every Tunisian almost at weekly intervals.

Exploit of Situation

In many situations, affection and relations will be exploited without mercy, starting with communication (I have no money to call you, if we want to talk, you have to call me) and personal situations (I was laid off, I have no more money for rent and for food), to familar matters (for the upcoming high holidays, we can not even buy a sheep that we have to slaughter).

Not only is the European, who now "hangs on the fishing rod" already, tricked by challenging their pity - who will not talk with the boyfriend every few days, who will let him starve or spend a sad holiday - but also, the tourists profound non-knowledge of local habits and rules is being deliberately exploited.

In Tunisia, there is, for example, nobody who doesn't have a roof over his head, or a, whatever little, daily meal (in all cases, a family member will always jump in to provide the basics) and there are no religious rules that compulse one for rich meals at holidays (they only suggest it).

Even the military, from which every male Tunisians wants to become exempt, is largely in line with military services in Europe. For example, with the exception of the first few weeks after service starts, contacts to the "outside" are allowed and leaves for home are granted.

A "disappearance" for months is just a fairy tale, which is told to European women in order to make them pay for the exempt. On the contrary - the military is a very good character-building time, which would certainly suit the majority of the Bezness men well.

Money and Gifts

The fact that a large number of objects and even the money, that a Beznesser seeks, will not end up in his pockets is another matter - you should not be surprised that t-shirts, brand name jeans, or a mobile phone will end up with his brother, sister or a friend, because many Tunisians have a different approach to personal belongings and evaluate them first by use and exchange value, not by personal memory.

And, concerning money, it applies in many families, that anyone who just has some, will contribute it for common use. Things like "saving" or "personal use only" are widely unknown concepts.
If, for example, you leave any money "for the case of an emergency" when you are going away, then you will always find, that, regardless of the elapsed time and left money amount, during your absence, an emergency occurred and the money has been used up.

Once again a reminder: we are talking about Bezness people and not about individuals with high standards of morals and ethics!
Those are out there as well, and it is most probably the majority of Tunisians, but they are not the ones that a tourist meets usually, they are not the ones who seek or maintain close contacts with Europeans, and they are certainly not those who will, after a very short time already, enter a relationship with an European.

Europeans judge acquaintances and friendships using European eyes, interpret interpersonal signals on the base of their European life experience and try to solve conflicts with proven European strategies - and all of these behaviors provide misleading results and will not yield the expected result. While this is just "general wisdom" and applies to all visits to non-home countries, only very few are prepared for that inevitable ignorance and misjudgment, and almost nobody suspects that even personal and close relationships and life situations will be exploited.
Tipicni Bezness!

V Tuniziji, vedo, internet, kot dobro in prav tako branje spletnih strani kot je ta, ali so celo clane forumi o bezness. In ne pozabite - ni bilo in je vedno tako imenovano "plaža akademija", v kateri najbolj obetavnih konceptov in pristopov se razpravlja, najnovejši ljubezen SMS besedila v razlicnih jezikih, izmenjujejo in fotografije, pisma in "Western Union" žica prenos prihodkov prikazani off.

Odkrivanje "Bezness", zato je vedno težje in v mnogih primerih celo nemogoce, še posebej, ce je pogled, ki ga pretrgal ocala z roza lecami.

Tako, pa se lahko Bezness tipicno obnašanje kot tako priznava, da ni tako enostavno reci obratno, in res ne more sprejeti predpostavki, da, ce nimate izkušenj Bezness tipicno obnašanje, potem ne gre za Bezness.

Medtem, edini pravi zašcite je, da bi Bezness poskuse nemogoce že od zacetka.

Bezness Signs

Bezness Tipicni znaki so:
  • Besedami "I love you / želim porociti s tabo" v nekaj urah ali dneh.
    Tudi ce obstaja nekaj podobnega "ljubezen na prvi pogled", je zelo redek. In to je še bolj redke, v okolju, kjer clovek izpolnjuje nov ženske vsak dan, kot del svojega dela.
  • Vse zahteve za denar
    Resen clovek tunizijski nikoli ne bo posojala denar od svoje žene ali zaprosi za darila. Tunizijski družbe (kot tudi zakon) zahteva, da clovek podpira njegova žena - brez izjem.
    Mocna namigov za previdnost, so:
  • Družinski clani ali dobri prijatelji, ki že živijo v Evropi.
    To bo storil nicesar, da bi šel in živeti z njimi. In preprosto dejstvo, da je še vedno v Tuniziji, kaže, da mu ne bi uspel, da še ni.
  • Nerealna ideje o življenju, delu place in razmer v Evropi.
    Obstaja veliko informacij o razmerah v Evropi - ljudje, ki še vedno ne vedo, ali ima cuden idej o tem, niso nikoli resno razmišljal, da živijo ali delajo v Evropi.

To je, kot je bilo že povedano, malo verjetno, da je clovek Bezness boste takoj sooceni z zahtevami, npr. za financne prispevke - ce srecaš nekoga, ki je "novo", da podjetja, ali ima vec odnosov tekoc in ne skrbi, ali ne uspe z nekaterimi razmerju.

Toda prej ali slej bo prišlo v skoraj vseh primerih, odprto ali skrito zahteve.

To se obicajno zacne z majhnimi stvari - govorimo o lastnih razmer (brez zaposlitve, niso dobro placani, itd.) Ali pricakujejo, da placate "žepnina" zneske (kava, cigarete, taksi) - in vecina Evropejcev se bodo z veseljem storila, ker je iz njihove perspektive, ceprav placujejo za obisk v diskoteki ali restavraciji je precej poceni v Tuniziji.

Naslednja stopnja bo zahteve za majhne usluge, kot je vložitev cokolade ali alkohola, ki poteka majhne vsote denarja za polnjenje mobilnega telefona in potem pozneje poveca za oblacila, MP3 predvajalniki, mobilni telefoni, prenosni racunalniki in celo racunalnik.

Seveda, zahteve za "pomoc" niso vedno odkrito izraženo, vendar pa so namesto tega zavijejo v porocilih o osebnih dramaticnih situacij, v upanju, da evropski prihaja naprej sama po sebi in nudi pomoc. Takrat bodo nato z veseljem sprejela ponujene pomoci, pogosto pa po milosti (obicajno, jaz nikoli ne bi naredil, ampak nimam izbire zdaj) in pogosto z obljubo odplacila (ki nikoli ne bo).

Dežela katastrof

Za outsiderja ", ki se zdi, da Tunizija je država, v kateri vsak dan vse vrste nezgode in nesrece, ki se lahko zgodi le, sušeni z denarjem - mobilni telefon pade v vodo in je neuporaben, matere ali oceta ali brata / sestre nenadoma nujno potrebujejo zdravila ali zdravljenja, policijo in uprave mesta morajo biti podkupil, delodajalec zahteva povracilo za poškodovani del, so stvari, ukraden ali izgubljen, ali mladenic je oprošcen služenja vojaškega roka, ce naštejemo samo najpogostejše misadventures, da se zdi Se zgodi, da skoraj vsak tunizijske v tedenskih presledkih.

Exploit of Situation

V mnogih primerih bo naklonjenost in odnosi izkorišcati brez milosti, zacenši s komunikacijo (nimam denarja, da poklicem, ce želimo govoriti, ste, naj me poklice) in osebnega položaja (sem jih sveže, nimam vec denarja za najemnino in za hrano), da familar zadeve (za visoko prihajajocih praznikih, ne moremo kupiti niti ovce, da imamo za zakol).

Ne samo, da je evropski, ki je zdaj "visi na ribiško palico" že, Prevarala ga zoper svoje škoda, - ki ne bo govoril s fantom vsakih nekaj dni, ki bo pustil stradati ali preživeti pocitnice žalosten - pa tudi, turisti non-globoko poznavanje lokalnih navad in pravila, ki se namenoma izkorišca.

V Tuniziji, je, na primer, nihce, ki nima strehe nad glavo, ali, ne glede na malo, dnevni obrok (v vseh primerih družinskega clana vedno skok v zagotavljanje osnov) in ni verska pravila, ki compulse ena za bogate obroke na pocitnice (ce ga le predlagajo).

Tudi vojaška, od katerih vsak moški želi postati Tunizijcev izvzeti, je v veliki meri v skladu z vojaškimi storitev v Evropi. Na primer, z izjemo prvih nekaj tednih po vrocitvi zacne, stiki z "zunaj" so dovoljene in listi za domace so odobrene.

"Izginotja" vec mesecev, je samo pravljica, ki je povedal, da evropski ženskam, da bi jim placati za oprošcena. Ravno nasprotno - vojaška je zelo dober znak za izgradnjo casa, kar bi zagotovo primerna kot vecina moških Bezness dobro.

Denar in darila

Dejstvo, da veliko število predmetov in celo denar, da Beznesser želi, ne bo koncal v žepih je drugo vprašanje - ne smete biti preseneceni, da je t-shirts, jeans bo blagovne znamke, ali mobilni telefon end up z bratom, sestra ali prijatelj, ker veliko Tunizijcev imajo drugacen pristop do osebnih predmetov in jih ocenijo najprej z uporabo in menjalna vrednost, ne z osebnim pomnilnika.

In v zvezi z denarjem, se uporablja v številnih družinah, da je vsakdo, ki ima le nekaj, da bo prispevala za skupno rabo. Stvari, kot je "varcevanje" ali "osebno uporabo" so splošno znana konceptov.
Ce je, na primer, greš brez denarja "za nujne primere", ko boste stran, boste vedno našli, da je, ne glede na potekli cas in levo znesek denarja, v casu vaše odsotnosti, v nujnih primerih prišlo, in denar je bil porabljen.

Še enkrat opozorilo: govorimo o Bezness ljudi in ne o posameznikih z visokimi standardi etike in morale!
Ti so tam zunaj, kot tudi, in je verjetno vecina Tunizijcev, vendar niso tisti, ki turisticno izpolnjuje ponavadi, niso tisti, ki išcejo ali vzdrževanje tesnih stikov z Evropejci, in se zagotovo ne tistih, ki bo po zelo kratkem casu že zacne odnos z Evropsko.

Evropejci sodnik poznanstva in prijateljstva z uporabo evropskih oceh, razlagajo medosebne signali na podlago svojih evropskih življenjskih izkušenj in poskušajo rešiti v nasprotju z dokazanimi evropskih strategij - in vsi ti vedenje predložili zavajajoce rezultate in ne bo prinesel pricakovanega rezultata. Ceprav je to le "splošno modrosti" in velja za vse obiske, ki niso maticne države, le zelo malo, so pripravljeni za to neizogibno nevednost in misjudgment, in skoraj nihce ne sumi, da bo treba izkoristiti tudi osebne in tesne odnose in življenjskih situacijah.
Bezness Tunizija Stran 1          Stran 2

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